slim babe in white stockings
DescriptionOlga is one of those girls who will do anything for money. One night I called her and she came to my hotel room ready to do her job. I payed her and then she went and changed into some very sexy white stockings which got me real horny. It was a perfect night and she earned every penny I gave her.
Views: 168 | Added: 13 May 2014 | |
Categories: Money, Prostitute, Babe, Brunette, Stockings, Russian, Skinny, Real Brunette, Horny Russian, Brunette Babe, White Stockings, Skinny Russian, Skinny Babe, Horny Babe, Russian Prostitute, Russian Babe, Russian Brunette, Horny Brunette, Skinny Brunette, Real Prostitute, Sex For Money, Hotel Prostitute | ||
Duration: 4:56 |